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SeedBox List Update 23/05

Hello everyone,

SeedBoxCenter - SeedBox List News!

Another small update. We’ve added five more companies on SeedBox List page:
Seed.ST (no intro yet, their cheap plans got a lot of slow speed reports) (no intro yet)
SeedRootS (no intro yet, I highly recommend this company!)
Seedbox Cloud (no intro yet, 2 stars for reputation because it is a new company)
ChmuraNet (no intro yet, I also recommend this company)

We’ve got 8 companies in total now.

More companies and plans will be coming soon!

Thank you,
SBC Team – Seedbox news and offers on a 24/7 basis

Changes Coming to ChmuraNet

ChmuraNet Today, we’ve got for you an exclusive early announcement from one of the top SeedBox companies out there, ChmuraNet. If you are not already familiar with the company, I just wanted to let you know that this is one of the companies you can really trust, especially if you care about your anonymity. I won’t get into details about ChmuraNet (since this is not an intro post but a news post) but feel free to check out their plans on our SeedBox List and/or on their website.

(Continue reading..)

First SeedBox Companies added on the List!

Hello everyone,

SeedBoxCenter - SeedBox List News!

Just a small update here. We’ve already added the following companies (and their plans of course) on SeedBox List page:
UltraSeedBox (intro can be found here) (intro can be found here) (aka WiCKED SERVERS, no intro yet – need to add a few more plans here)

You can feel comfortable and trust all three companies above since I have personally used them and suggest them.

More companies and plans will be coming soon!

Thank you,
SBC Team – Seedbox news and offers on a 24/7 basis

SeedBoxCenter – SeedBox List is Live!

Hello everyone,

SeedBoxCenter - SBC News!

A quick update, SeedBox List page is Live! We will be adding more plans and companies ASAP. Feel free to let us know any new features you might want or report to us any problems you might encounter.

Thank you once again for your support and visits! :)

See you soon!

Thank you,
SBC Team – Seedbox news and offers on a 24/7 basis